A Happy New Year to you all

The sparkling wine this morning  
This is just a quick post to wish all those who kindly drop by this blog a very happy New Year. Susanna (my wife) and I welcomed it in this morning by dancing to a Strauss waltz in the kitchen and by listening to Nietzsche's composition for violin and piano for the New Year, "Eine Sylvesternacht"—a performance of which I post below from YouTube for your enjoyment. 

It's been a Nietzschean kind of year as my Christmas Day address will have revealed in spades and in this, my sabbatical year (I'm off-duty during May, June, July and August), I intend to revisit his life and work as he seems to me increasingly to offer us very real, hopeful, joyful and creative ways to move on through these very difficult times. 

Yanis Varoufakis (a man to whom I certainly send New Year good wishes) has just posted his own New Year 's greeting which contains words by Albert Camus. They seem appropriate to pass on here: 

“In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

The last sundown of 2015 taken from Granchester Meadows 
